The clear benefit that systematic trading gives us is order. Having a clear, organized, and coherent strategy is fundamental to trading success. Although in the end your "system" mayor may not prove to be profitable. you should always have a clear understanding as to why you are entering the position, and technicals help us tremendously in this regard. Generally spcaking, the simplcr the model, (he more elegant and useful it becomes, since charts filled with lines, indicators, and all kinds of technical tools only serve to distrac( the trader away from the crucial price action. A( a time when quantitative trading has been finally accepted by the general trading community, the intrinsic virtues of technical analysis are hard to discern since often it is traders' combined actions that turn them into self-fulfilling prophecies. If everyone follows the same indicator. then when it flashes a buy signal everyone will go ahead and buy ... and surprise. the price goes up! A kind of "chicken and egg" scenario has emerged and. 1110re importantly, the retail crowd's love of technical analysis has also turned "obvious" technical levels into a magnet for stop hunters. Many funds (including ours) actively front-run other people's models by anticipating the trading signals their systems will generate and then positioning themselves for the slight pop created by their execution. If anything. you should make a poi nt to stay away from any clear technical levels. since the price action around these are bound to be full of dealer manipulation. which is why it is never wise to trade breakouts in FX. With the amount of pricc "management" that goes on in the forex world, false breaks are more often the norm (han the exception. Chances are that Olher traders will have also identified the same important support/resistance levels that you did, and set their stops accordingly. Dealers know this. obviously. and routinely go after them, thus creating the false breaks.
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